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States Trip round...3!

by the lovely Xenia

So the deal is I've been waiting, actually, kicking myself for not going to Yosemite the first time I went on these trips/Walkabout. But now, older, smarter, more confident, and with a better back (here's hoping) It's time to make that trip.

Yosemite Sam...get it *giggles to self for days*

Why haven't you been there yet? Because I was dumb. It's that simple, I didn't have my head on straight and was too focused on stuff that didn't matter. This time though I'm going to keep a blog, with pictures, tips, experiences/stories, and maybe some videos if I can figure out how to do that.

First part of any good trip though is preparation, so the first few will be just that, me getting ready, saving up, and getting stuff together. Sometimes you fly by the seat of your pants, other times your oil cap decides to vanish off into the distance never to be seen again. It's better to be ready for that.

RIP oil cap...

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I'm Sam, Sam I am.

Adventurer, photographer, and general pain in the butt ;p   


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